Five key points of Taiwan Connection

1、The promotion of educational and cultural exchanges related activities between Taiwan and India.

With the Ministry of Education improving the Taiwan University academic research and teaching program, the quality of higher education in Taiwan has become one of the world universities. The establishment of an oversea office in India, Life Education Center of Ministry of Education, by Nanhua University will become a platform to strengthen educational and cultural exchanging activities in both Taiwan and India.

As mentioned above, Nanhua University constructs the educational experience of life education. The experience and strategy are systematic. Through the "Taiwan Link" in India, Nanhua aims to focus on cultural and educational exchanging activities. And will communicate with all the Indian National College or private institutions, to promote the image of Taiwan's higher education.

The purpose is to assist universities in Taiwan to increase the ways of student recruitment. We present the excellent studying environment in Taiwan to attract excellent students from India to join bachelor or some short term study programs.

  • First: promote the exchange of visits between senior citizens of Taiwan and India, and enhance the comprehension and understanding of the advantages and characteristics of each university's education in order to establish inter-school cooperation and become sister schools or sister departments.
  • Second:promote academic and exchange activities, such as lectures and research among experts and scholars in various fields of higher education institutions between Taiwan and India.
  • Third:promote higher education institutions or national, civil important, educational and cultural communities, to establish interactions between Taiwan and India.

2、To carry out multiple forms of two-way communication and cooperation model

This core program is based on a multi-faceted and two-way communication and cooperation model:

  • First, establish "Taiwan and India Cultural Exchange Week" activities in campus with the sister school or friendship department. The activities include art, food, tea Zen Road, mind meditation, and Chinese competition. To strengthen the cooperation with the "Taiwan Education Centers" set up in six Indian universities. To promote Chinese Education Centers in India between the Indian Chinese and Indians.
  • Second, establish short training camps for winter and summer vacations, to train "core teacher" the "life education" training course, and to present the three goods model for campus to Indian higher education,
  • Third, prepare for cross-domain life education forum in India for the college principals, experts or scholars from Taiwan and India.
  • Fourth, promote the “three goods model for campus” between the Universities, academies, and high schools.
  • Fifth, establish the activities for the person who studies abroad or short-term exchange Indian students among the Universities in Taiwan.
  • Sixth, organize and promote the "ambassadors" of Taiwan Institution to have bilateral communication with the Indian institutions, and to promote Taiwan and India campus diplomacy.
  • Seventh, promote the International Volunteer Service Team (combined with the International Buddhist Tourism Youth Travel organization), covering a wide range of educational, cultural, charitable, medical and other forms. This center will assist Taiwan and Indian youth students, the establishment of interns, trainees of official or civil institutions of the pipeline platform, and to help combine its feasibility.
  • Eighth, promote higher education institutions in Taiwan and India, and to encourage young students to study different degrees, to offer the international certification between sister schools , to learn away from home for a short-term, to be short-term exchange students, and to acquire short-term degree courses.
  • Ninth, promote the visits from the higher education institutions, the associations of various education, culture, and charity in Taiwan and India. To encourage teachers and students to visit each other, to observe the study, to combine with official or private funding subsidies to short-term stay research and other academic exchanges activity.

3、 Multi - channel broadcasting and marketing of Taiwan to cultivation the high quality innovative talents

  • First,organize primary, intermediate, high-level Chinese classes, promote Chinese language education and Chinese culture to India, and train Indian Chinese job market talents.
  • Second, to establishment the Taiwan and India human resources community website: for example: Website no show out at Facebook, the Taiwanese people in India, the official institutions, private enterprises, the company's entrepreneurial network, the establishment of information exchange, experience sharing platform to strengthen Taiwan's experience link. Through this human resources platform to promote the Taiwan experience, to communicate with India's official or business, or academic and other areas of talent, establish the network resources diversified platform.
  • Third,collect information from relevant academic and educational developments in various universities in India. To increase awareness of Indian university campuses and to assist Taiwan universities to get the exchanges and cooperation agreements with Indian universities, to establish academic And education, culture, agricultural science and technology, biotechnology, information engineering, humanities, business management and other exchanges and cooperation and promote the school alliance program.

4、 Publish the internet’s information regularly

To establish the network information platform, between Taiwan and India, collect the latest news of colleges and universities, to provide Taiwan and India, bilateral students studying abroad, study tours, or various scholarships and other information,or international academic seminars, workshops and other information, Update the message, mainly to provide bilateral opportunities for interactive communication.

5、 Collect and analyze all the information such as the country or region where the base is located, the education development of the city, the talent cultivation needs and the areas of expertise that can be strengthened.

  • First,To organize each Taiwan’s universities join the India’s university education exhibition, to expand the field of India academic research personnel recruitment. (join India's annual international exhibition in Delhi at February, for Taiwan's major colleges and universities)
  • Second,To assist the Taiwan representative office in India, concern businessman from Taiwan who have company in India, and provide the counseling services regarding life, mental or spiritual.